YWCA Clark County

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A Young Woman Doing Good

YWCA Clark County Announces Young Women of Achievement Scholarship Recipient

By Emily NavarroCamas High School senior Monica Chang has been selected to receive a $1,500 Young Women of Achievement scholarship from YWCA Clark County. Throughout her high school career, Monica has consistently demonstrated strong leadership qualities that align with YWCA Clark County values.Young Women of Achievement scholarship winner Monica Chang, a Camas High School graduateShe has contributed extensive volunteer hours at her school, local nonprofits, and throughout her community. This has included fundraising efforts for disaster relief and spearheading a public relations campaign. Additionally, Monica has co-founded a regional organization to support local students on common sense gun reform, co-founded a regional TEDxYouth chapter, and co-founded a coding club at her high school.Monica will be attending Harvard University in the fall. About the future, she says, "Even though I am currently undecided in my specific major, I hope to pursue a service-oriented career in the future.""I want to work in a career that’s interdisciplinary — using my aptitudes in leadership, STEM, and humanities," she says. "That might be working on a start-up in the realm of social entrepreneurship, pursuing a career in health policy, or working for a non-profit organization like the Gates Foundation... who knows? The possibilities are endless!