FEBRUARY IS Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM)
Please join YWCA Clark County as we learn more about teen dating violence, how it happens, what healthy relationships look like and how to intervene.
All events are from 6:00-7:30 pm via zoom. Please register for the zoom invite below each event listing.
In Their Shoes Virtual EditionThursday, February 4
From WSCADV: “In Their Shoes is designed for experiential learning about teen dating violence. Participants become one of six characters based on the experiences of real teens including sexting, pregnancy, homophobia, and stalking. They make choices about their relationship and move through the scenario by reading about interactions with their dating partner, family, friends, counselors, police, and others.” Experience
In Their Shoesfollowed up with a debrief of the activity.
Facilitators: Tanika Siscoe, Olivia Riley, Jessie Spinney, Madeline Thompson
How to Talk to Youth about Healthy Relationships
Thursday, February 18This workshop will provide parents with information about some of the possible e ects witnessing DV has on youth and also address how to answer questions from youth about relationships, and tips on how to start meaningful conversations.Presenters: Tanika Siscoe and Olivia RileyREGISTER HERETWO EVENTS FOR YOUTH AGES 13-17
Teen Dating Violence 101
Wednesday, February 10
Interactive Workshop for youth ages 13-17yrs on healthy and unhealthy relationship dynamics. In this workshop, we will discuss how to recognize the dynamics of teen dating violence and healthy relationship behaviors, how to engage peers in meaningful conversations, and offer tips on consent, safety, and boundaries.
Presenters: Tanika Siscoe, Olivia Riley, Kit Kuran
Bystander Intervention for Youth
Wednesday, February 24
Join us to discuss ways to hold your friends and loved one accountable in their relationships with others. We’ll chat about strategies youth can use to interrupt unhealthy and oppressive comments and behaviors.